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Dairy Alternatives

At TFTAK we are focused on the development of nutritious plant-based dairy alternatives with high sensory quality and acceptance by different consumer groups. Dairy product development has been the key focus area in TFTAK since the establishment of the company. There is much we can do to help your company in improving your dairy portfolio.

Plant-based dairy alternatives are a growing trend due to changing lifestyles and growth of sustainable thinking.

Plant-Based Dairy Alternatives

Research Services

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We are using thoroughly selected plant proteins from diverse sources – e.g. oats, fava beans, peas – to develop both fermented and non-fermented dairy alternatives.


The elimination of bitterness and off-flavors, typical to plant sources, are challenges that we face daily.


We apply different technologies to tackle these issues, such as enzymatic treatment and fermentation.


We have implemented a high-throughput screening method (isothermal microcalorimetry and multi-parallel pH screening combined with comprehensive chemical and physical analyses) for the selection of starter cultures to identify and characterize the best-performing microorganisms to produce next-generation plant-based products.


Enzyme treatment helps to increase the digestibility of macronutrients and to reduce antinutrients and possible off-notes in plant-based products.


We are working with solutions for different product categories such as yogurt, sour cream, cheese, spreads, and ice-cream alternatives formulating the product prototypes selecting fats, stabilizers, texturizers, and seasoning.


​We support our partner companies in technology transfer from lab- to pilot- to industrial-scale, helping to optimize the technological procedure, recipe reformulation, shelf-life tests, consumer studies, and providing support during production-scale trials.

Why cooperate?


TFTAK plant-based dairy alternative team gives

  • Full development service and support from: Idea | Lab |Pilot | Production scale

  • Full characterization of the ingredients and prototype products: Chemical | Physical | Microbiological | Sensory

  • Choosing suitable starter cultures and optimization of fermentation processes

  • Enzymatic treatments for the improvement of the characteristics of ingredients and final products

  • Recipe formulations (drinks, beverages, puddings, cheese alternatives, ice-creams, spreads, fermented products: yogurts, sour cream, kefir)

  • Resolving technological problems and discovering the root cause

  • Equipment and processing conditions selection for upscaling

  • Dietary intervention and consumer studies

  • Sensory studies with trained panels

  • Packaging and shelf-life studies, clean label approach

Sucess Stories

What have we done

The products we have developed

  • Plant protein-based yogurt and cheese alternatives prepared using fermentation are a crucial step to ensure desired sensorial properties such as taste and texture, and to guarantee microbiological stability during storage.

  • Plant-based dairy alternatives: pudding and ice-cream alternatives with increased nutritional value thanks to the addition of plant proteins and fibers.

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What have recently acheived

XPRIZE finalist!

GFI Research Grants 2019 and 2022

Best Estonian Food 2022!

  • The Best Milk Product 2022

  • The Best Food With Added Value in 2022

  • Award by Tallinn City for plant-based burger

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Plant-based dairy alternatives services team is open for collaboration in challenging projects

"We rely on emerging technologies to extract and process plant proteins into next-generation healthy dairy alternatives with superior taste and texture."

Marie Kriisa, PhD

Dairy Alternatives Team Lead

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