Sensory and Consumer Studies
TFTAK team provides multidisciplinary sensometric approach
We combine consumer and food sensory data with different instrumental sensory analyses measurements. Our food sensory analysis team at TFTAK consists of trained sensory panels and consumer sensory panels who are available to help you ensure product development of the highest quality or innovate with new product concepts.
Sensory and Consumer Research
The focus areas of our team of Sensorics and Consumer Studies are:
Product profiling. We help to identify the sensory profile of your product and how it differs from competitors’ products. We reveal if there is a difference in taste, odor, texture and/or appearance between your products or other products on the market.
Market mapping. In order to identify what kinds of products are already on the market in your category, we will conduct market research in your product range. That way we can determine the best way you can position your product.
Quality Control. Our sensory team applies discrimination and descriptive tests to help to guarantee a product with stable quality from batch to batch and during shelf-life.
Consumer tests. We have outstanding experience in carrying central location tests, home use tests, interviews, focus group trials, and online surveys. We have a consumer database by different demographics, and, after conducting the studies, we provide comprehensive analysis and interpretation of the data to support you in planning the next steps.
TFTAK is a member of the European Sensory Network (ESN) and a sensory group member of the Nordic-Baltic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL).
Sensory profiling of plant-based beverages
In our exploration of plant-based alternatives, we conducted a comprehensive profiling of plant-based beverage products. A trained panel conducted sensory analysis on ninety samples, coupled with instrumental analysis of volatile compound profiles. This approach provided valuable insights into the sensorial advantages and disadvantages of various raw materials, allowing us to explore connections at a compound level. The complete findings of this study are detailed in our published full paper [here].
Mapping of the Estonian kombucha market
Our research involved a comprehensive sensory mapping of sixteen different kombuchas from the Estonian market. Results categorized the samples into three clusters based on flavors: the first with "fruity and artificial," the second with "herbal and tea" nuances, and the third comprising "classical" kombuchas. The smallest cluster, characterized by fruitiness, suggested potential for the development of new products. Additionally, we explored the chemical and microbiological composition, establishing associations with the sensory profile. The complete study can be accessed [here].
Sensorial changes during shelf-life testing
We conducted a shelf-life test for potato crisps, utilizing various packaging methods and gas environments to determine the most effective solution. Given the product's typically long shelf-life, the decision regarding acceptability was primarily based on sensory evaluation, particularly rancidity. The optimal packaging solution ensuring the best shelf-life was identified. For more details on our shelf-life experiments, you can read further [here].
Consumer study on recipe changes
A food company wanted to alter the recipe of a product that had been in production for 20+ years. To understand consumer preferences and sensorial perception, we conducted a blind taste test. Consumers were invited to evaluate the existing product alongside the new variants, providing the company with valuable feedback. The results played a crucial role in the decision-making process regarding the recipe changes.
Case Studies
Sensory and Consumer Studies team is open for collaboration in challenging projects
"Participating in consumer research provides an exciting experience, but it also provides the opportunity to be involved in both the development of new products and research into the health effects of products."
Helen Vaikma
Sensory and Consumer Studies Team Lead