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Estonian food industries visiting TFTAK


TFTAK invited all Estonian food industries and companies who attended Gulfood 2023 fair to get together, to share after-fair thoughts and to visit the brand-new scientific lab space of TFTAK.

A bit more than one month after the Gulfood fair, 12 companies came back together to talk about how it is going after attending the biggest food fair in the world, Gulfood. First of all, it was interesting to hear what the short-term results are and how it is going with establishing cooperations. We could share some experience and it was great to feel support by other Estonian companies.

TFTAK was very glad to give an overview presentation about the activities we do in our lab – what are our success stories, what are cooperation possibilities right here, in Estonia.

Then, based on our experience and available information about different supports on scientific projects, #teamTFTAK gave an overview presentation about this topic. It raised good discussion between the other Estonian companies – these support projects are meant for local companies to develop new and innovative food products – just exactly what TFTAK in cooperation with companies does.

By the end of the meeting, our guests could attend interesting lab tours in TFTAK brand new scientific lab – to see on the spot, where food innovation takes place.

Thank you so much for joining this meeting! We are open to new cooperation projects. Our fingers are crossed!


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